Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thankfulness Days 15-26

I have not been on here in a while, so here are more days of Thankfulness:

Day 15 I am thankful for Music . . . all the songs, which travel with me through this life. Songs which remind me of people, places, events, emotions. They comfort me and lift me up. Music can embrace you like a good old friend.

Day 16 Today I am thankful that things like junior high only come once in a lifetime. Junior High was a such a necessary time for me to learn about the type of person I was and who I wanted wanted to be - but man, with all it’s awkwardness and self-important drama, I’m so thankful that you only have to go through those years once.

Day 17 I am thankful for wise counsel & kind friends who listen patiently, I’m surrounded by the best folks.

Day 18 I am thankful for my dad. This is the anniversary of the day he went to heaven. I miss him a lot.

Day 19 I’m grateful for time spent with little ones. Their fresh perspective and honesty keeps me humble.

Day 20 I am thankful for family shows like, Parenthood. So sad this is the final season.

Day 21 I’m thankful for my family history. For my relatives who got on the boat, crossed the ocean and started a new life in America. I’m also incredibly thankful that they continue to share the stories from their past and remind our family where we came from.

Day 22 I am thankful for libraries. Especially online ability to search for a book and place it on hold. Then receive an email that it is ready for me to pick up in a day or so.

Day 23 Today I am thankful for patience & forgiveness.

Day 24 Today I am thankful for Surprises. The ones that catch you off guard in the best kind of way. The times when expectations were exceeded and imagination was surpassed. The days that start by seeming too long and end with wishing for more. The months that are so full they are both frozen in time and hard to remember. The fleeting moments that turn into remarkable stories. The instances when failure seemed inevitable but hope prevailed…all because of generosity, kindness, grace, humility, and love.

Day 25 Today I am thankful for thankful for the overwhelming beauty of nature that is consistent and abundant.

Day 26 Today I am thankful for days without meetings or plans.

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